Join our ARMY of Mitzvot!
Pick a Mitzvah - Partners Detroit - Kids
Join the Pick A Mitzvah Global Movement! Choose a NEW Mitzvah/Mitzvot that you don’t observe or want to improve! The commitment is for the weekend of Shabbat Project (Nov 15-16)!
Full name
Phone Number
Help prepare the house for shabbat
Say shabbat prayers
Learn two Shabbat laws (halachot) at the shabbat table
Shower and get ready before shabbat enters
Say the Parasha on the shababat table
Wear a kippah whilst eating
Wear a kippa the entire shabbat
Say Shir Hashirim
Ask your parents to give you the blessing of Friday before kidush
Say a Mizmor of Tehilim of Shabbat
Get dressed with shabbat cloths
Be ready and dressed to light shabbat candles with your mother
Sing on the shabbat table
Keep a chilled ambience of peace and happiness in the house with your siblings
Do Netilat Yadim and say nicely the beracha before eating the challah
Say Birkat Hamazon after eating bread
Say Birkat Hamazon from a Sidur so that you don’t skip any words
Have a detox from technology no computer or phone
Don’t watch TV
Don’t ask the non-Jew to turn on the TV
Don’t play with the Playstation or electronics
Don’t write or colour
Don’t turn on lights
Don’t ask the non-Jew to turn on the lights
Pray Mincha & Avrit
Pray Shachrit
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